Grand Rounds: Nutritional Health Coaching in an Integrative Setting

Event Date: June 7th, 2016

Caitlin Hosmer-Kirby, MS, RD; Kathy McManus, MS, RD, LDN; Donald B. Levy, MD

Grand Rounds: Nutritional Health Coaching in an Integrative Setting

Clinical Case Presentation: “Nutritional Health Coaching in an Integrative Setting”

Presenting Institution: Osher Clinical Center, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Download flier and Speaker Bios

Co-Presenter: Caitlin Hosmber-Kirby, MS, RD, Senior Nutrionist, Osher Clinical Center for Integrative Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Co-Presenter: Kathy McManus, MS, RD, LDN, Director, Dept. of Nutrition; Director, Dietic Internship, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Discussant: Donald Levy, MD, Director, Osher Clinical Center for Integrative Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital