Population Health Impacts Mindfulness: Opportunities, Evidence, and Pitfalls

Event Date: January 23rd, 2019

Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness

Population Health Impacts Mindfulness: Opportunities, Evidence, and Pitfalls

Dr. Loucks is an Associate Professor and Director of the Mindfulness Center at Brown University, in the School of Public Health and the Medical School. He focuses his research on identifying biological mechanisms by which social factors such as mindfulness, education, and early life adversity may influence cardiovascular disease. Dr. Loucks has generated research findings that helped to better understand how biological factors such as inflammatory markers, epigenetics, blood pressure, obesity, lipids, amongst others, may be important mechanisms through which social factors could influence cardiovascular disease. He is now implementing practical applications of the work, including randomized controlled trials of mindfulness interventions to address social disparities in cardiovascular disease.

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