Mind Body Medicine: The Crisis of Non-Communicable Diseases and the Role of Yoga in Public Health – Seminar Series

Event Date: January 12th, 2019

Boston Center of Excellence

Mind Body Medicine: The Crisis of Non-Communicable Diseases and the Role of Yoga in Public Health – Seminar Series

Jan 12, 2019 at 3:00 PM EST

Boston Center of Excellence for Health and Human Development ( www.theboce.org ) is organizing a seminar series on Integrative Health and Medicine and Role of Yoga and Ayurveda. The purpose of this series is to provide education and create awareness about Integrative Medicine.

The first speaker of this series is Dr. Gregory Lewis Fricchione, M.D. Director of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. He also serves as Associate Chief of Psychiatry and Director of the Division of Psychiatry and Medicine at MGH and is a Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. For full Bio of Dr. Fricchione, please visit: https://www.bensonhenryinstitute.org/staff/gregory-l-fricchione/

Registration is required to participate in this event. Dr. Fricchione will make a presentation for 30 minutes, followed by 30 minutes of Questions and Answers which you will be able to send us via email. For more information about BoCE please visit www.theboce.org

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