Historic Meeting with Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi

Posted On: August 8th, 2018

Boston Center of Excellence for Health and Human Development

Historic Meeting with Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi

A three member delegation, comprising Mr. Kanchan Banerjee and Dr. Bal Ram Singh from the Boston Center of Excellence for Health and Human Development (BCoE) and Dr. Darshan Mehta, from the Benson-Henry Institute of Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, met with the Prime Minister [of India], Mr. Narendra Modi, on August 4 at his residence in New Delhi.

Together, they shared BCoE’s vision with the prime minister: “BoCE aims to fulfill Swami Vivekananda’s dream that there is innovative and substantive research on the Vedic Sciences through cross-disciplinary dialogues and collaborations between academics, practitioners, and policy-makers. These initiatives aim to cultivate the full potential of the traditional knowledge systems, such as Yoga and Ayurveda, to advance progress in integrative medicine through original research and creative applications in human health.”

Read the Full Press Release from the Boston Center of Excellence for Health and Human Development.

“Members of the delegation shared their many encouraging experiences of the Center’s activities over the past three years. These included three international conferences on the Role of Yoga and Ayurveda, at the Harvard Medical School Conference Center, which attracted participation from over 100 experts throughout the world.”

“Prime Minister Modi was very engaged with the members about these ideas, and expressed his delight around these initiatives. He agreed with the vision and mission of BoCE, and expressed his continued support of BoCE efforts.”
-Boston Center of Excellence for Health and Human Development, press release

Narendar Modi meeting with Darshan Mehta

Left to right: Dr. Gautam Sharma; Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi; Dr. Bal Ram Singh; Dr. Darshan Mehta; and Mr. Kanchan Banerjee

Narendra Modi with BCoE and Darshan Mehta

Left to right: Dr. Gautam Sharma; Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi; Dr. Bal Ram Singh; and Dr. Darshan Mehta