Research Seminar: Mobile Health Tech for Long-Term Exercise with Parkinson’s Disease

Event Date: February 4th, 2016

Terry Ellis, PhD, PT, NCS

Research Seminar: Mobile Health Tech for Long-Term Exercise with Parkinson’s Disease

Application of Mobile Health Technology to Facilitate Long-Term Engagement in Exercise in Persons with Parkinson Disease

Presenter: Terry Ellis, PhD, PT, NCS is an Assistant Professor at Boston University, College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences in the Department of Physical Therapy & Athletic Training.  Dr. Ellis is also the Director of the Center for Neurorehabilitation at Boston University and the Director of the American Parkinson Disease Association National Rehabilitation Resource Center, housed at Boston University.  Her research focuses on investigating the impact of exercise and rehabilitation on the progression of disability in individuals with Parkinson disease.  She has a particular interest in identifying barriers to exercise and using mobile health technology to help persons with Parkinson disease overcome these barriers to engage in lifelong exercise.  Her research, over the last decade, points to the importance of exercise as part of the standard treatment of Parkinson Disease.  In this presentation, the application of a novel approach to using mobile health technology to improve engagement in exercise and physical activity among persons with PD will be discussed.

WATCH VIDEO Presentation Here

70 Francis Street, BWH
Shapiro Breakout Room, Shapiro Building, 1st Fl