Nurturing Resilience in the Wounded Healer

Posted On: January 31st, 2024

How does a clinician maintain their #resilience while balancing their #empathy for their patients’ suffering? In this article, “Nurturing Resilience in the Wounded Healer,” published in Psychiatric TimesDarshan Mehta, MD, MPH, Medical and Education Director for the Osher Center for Integrative Health at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, captures the challenges of what Swiss psychologist Carl Jung refers to as “The Wounded Healer.”

Mehta advocates for clinicians to embrace #vulnerability and maintain clear, healthy #boundaries, citing Drs. Southwick and Charney’s “10 Dimensions of Resilience” as a framework to follow, from optimism to emotional flexibility.

Click to read Dr. Mehta’s article:

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