Title: “Integrative medicine group visit technology to empower diverse patients with chronic pain.”
Paula Gardiner, MD, MPH, Director of Primary Care Research at the Center for Mindfulness and Compassion at Cambridge health alliance. Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health at University Massachusetts Chan Medical School.
Presentation Description:
This talk will discuss the evolution of a patient centered technology platform called our Our Whole Lives an E health toolkit – OWL. This technology was created with a patient advisory group and clinical input from providers. The talk will track it’s 10-year history of research and how OWL has changed over the decade. The purpose of the technology is to support an integrated Medical Group visit and provide home practice platform for patients with chronic pain and other chronic conditions.
Learning objectives:
- Discuss how to use participatory research methods in technology development.
- List 2 ways to assess if a patient with chronic pain’s level of technology literacy.
- Compare and contrast how technology builds community for patients with chronic pain