VIDEO: HMS Lecture on Mind-Body Research and Health

Posted On: January 25th, 2023

Rhonda V. Magee MA, JD

VIDEO: HMS Lecture on Mind-Body Research and Health

Title: Mindfulness and Social Resilience: Ethical Practices and Principles for Cultivating Just Communities Together

Description: This lecture series is jointly sponsored by the Osher Center, the Benson-Henry Institute (BHI) for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, and the Center for Mindfulness and Compassion at the Cambridge Health Alliance. This year, BHI is hosting this hybrid lecture.

Presenter: Rhonda V. Magee MA, JD
Professor, University of San Francisco School of Law

Rhonda V. Magee M.A. Sociology, J.D. is a Professor of Law at the University of San Francisco and an internationally recognized thought and practice leader focused on integrating mindfulness into higher education, law and social change work. A prolific author, she draws on law and legal history to weave storytelling, poetry, analysis and practices into inspiration for changing how we think, act and live better together in a rapidly changing world.


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