DFCI Research Study for Young Women Survivors of Breast Cancer

Posted On: January 29th, 2018

Dana Farber Cancer Institute

DFCI Research Study for Young Women Survivors of Breast Cancer

Are you a young survivor of breast cancer? Would you like to consider participating in a research study that focuses on wellness after breast cancer?

DFCI is conducting a study to examine two group programs for young breast cancer

  • Mindfulness-meditation classes
  • Survivorship education classes


They would like to compare these two group programs on meeting the common needs of young survivors.

You may be eligible to participate if you were diagnosed with breast cancer before age 45 and are within 5 years of your diagnosis.

If you are interested in participating or would like more information,
please contact the study staff at: [email protected] or (617) 582-9706

Classes will meet for 6 weeks and are held at DFCI. We will also ask you to come to
DFCI for three in-person appointments throughout the duration of the study.

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