NIH News in Health, Dec, 2016: Tai Chi and Your Health

Posted On: January 20th, 2017

NIH News in Health

NIH News in Health, Dec, 2016: Tai Chi and Your Health

Dr. Wayne’s research on tai chi was featured in the December 2016 issue of NIH News In Health, published by the National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services (

“Research suggests that practicing tai chi may help improve your posture and confidence, how you think and manage emotions, and your quality of life. Studies have found that it may help people with fibromyalgia sleep better and cope with pain, fatigue, and depression.

Regular practice may also improve quality of life and mood in people with chronic heart failure and cancer. Older adults may find that tai chi can help improve sleep quality and protect learning, memory, and other mental functions.

Further study will be needed to fully evaluate and confirm the potential benefits of tai chi. But since the practice involves moving slowly and mindfully, there’s little chance of harm when done properly.
“Whether you’re interested in trying tai chi to help with a chronic health issue or the stresses of everyday life, tai chi—if taught properly—can be a great complement to other ways of healthy living and rehabilitation,” Wayne says.”

Read the full article here.