IM Network Forum: December 9-10, 2024

Event Recordings on YouTube

Event Details

Monday 9 – Tuesday 10, December, 2024
@ 8:30am – 4:30pm US ET
Joseph B. Martin Conference Center
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
$ Free to Attend


Marking our 10th anniversary for the Osher Integrative Medicine Network Forum, the 2024 conference aims to foster much-needed dialogue on how technology influences and impacts integrative healthcare.

Breakthroughs in medical technology have catalyzed advancements in therapeutic approaches, but the interface of integrative healthcare and technology has received less attention.

Can innovative tools like wearables, artificial intelligence, and advanced diagnostics provide new insight into integrative health modalities such as acupuncture, meditation, and music therapy, or help inform whole-person health approaches? 

This unique forum will facilitate discussions and collaborations across new domains to explore current projects, future possibilities, and the opportunities and challenges in applying technology to enhance integrative health care practices.

Presentations will include keynote sessions, plenary and short talks, panel discussions, audience Q&A and live demonstrations

Offered free of charge, all are welcome to attend, either in-person or online, including researchers, clinicians, technologists, ethicists, traditional integrative healthcare scholars, students administrators, and policymakers.

Eight Plenary Sessions

1. Bias and Health Equity through a Technology Lens

2. Independence and Aging in Place

3. Body-Mind Connections and Technology

4. Accelerating the Development of Innovative Technologies in Industry

5. Educational and Ethical Innovations with Technology Implications

6. Complex Systems Perspectives on Traditional Healing Systems

7. AI & Machine Learning for Integrative Health

8. Music, Movement, Meditation and Machines

Speakers (include)