Strong Osher Collaborative Presence at ICIMH, Phoenix, AZ

Posted On: June 1st, 2022

Osher Center for Integrative Medicine

Strong Osher Collaborative Presence at ICIMH, Phoenix, AZ

The Osher Center at Harvard and Brigham and the Osher Collaborative as a whole showed up in strength at the 2022 International Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health in Phoenix, Arizona. Gloria Yeh, the Harvard Osher Center’s Director of Clinical Research, co-chaired the Congress Organizing Committee.

Faculty and fellows from several of the US Osher Centers, including Harvard, UCSF, Northwestern University, University of Washington, Vanderbilt University and University of Miami gave presentations, facilitated workshops and presented posters.  See below for a snapshot of presentations.

Pre-Congress Workshop: Promoting Successful IM Careers: Aligning Values, Goals and Strategies for Self-care Education
Osher Collaborative Presenters: Gloria Yeh, HMS; David Victorson, Northwestern University; Michelle Dossett, UC Davis (former HMS Integrative Medicine Research Fellow)

Pre-Congress Workshop: From Learning Objectives to Assessment – Essentials for Integrative Health Educators Education
Osher Collaborative Presenters: Shelley Adler, UCSF; Anand Dhruva, UCSF; Lisa Howard, UCSF; Karen Koffler, University of Miami; Iman Majd, University of Washington; Darshan Mehta, HMS; Melinda Ring, Northwestern University; Elizabeth Walsh, Vanderbilt University


Plenary Discussion: “Intersections of Whole Person Health and Planetary Health”
Helene Langevin, MD, NCCIH (former Harvard Osher Center Director), Peter Wayne, PhD, HMS




Two-Part Symposia on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusiveness in Integrative Medicine and Health: Clinical, Research, and Education Applications Health Equity and Health Disparities
Osher Collaborative Presenters: Shelley Adler, UCSF; Maria Chao, UCSF; Paula Gardiner, UMASS, (former HMS Integrative Medicine Research Fellow); Darshan Mehta, HMS


Poster Award: Distinguished George Lewith prize for best Trainee Poster at the ICIMH 2022.
Dennis Munoz-Vergara






Abstract presentations by current Osher HMS Integrative Medicine Research Fellows and Junior Faculty included the following:

Chiropractic care for fall prevention in our aging society: rationale, state of the evidence, and a research agenda
Wren Burton, Weronika Grabowska, Matthew Kowalski, Cynthia Long, Robert Vining, Anthony Lisi, Dennis Munoz-Vergara, Peter Wayne

Increased body trusting associated with increased insula response to interoception after mindfulness training in patients with depression and anxiety
Michael Datko, Jacqueline Lutz, Richa Gawande, Alexandra Comeau, My Ngoc To, Jenny Gan, Gaelle Desbordes, Vitaly Napadow, Zev Schumann-Olivier

How do multidisciplinary orthopedic trauma providers define good clinical outcomes? A qualitative investigation of biopsychosocial themes
James Doorley, Nathan Fishbein, Jonathan Greenberg, Mira Reichman, Jafar Bakhshaie, Ana-Maria Vranceanu

What are orthopedic healthcare providers’ attitudes toward addressing patient psychosocial factors? A mixed-methods investigation
James Doorley, Mira Reichman, Jafar Bakhshaie, Victoria Grunberg, Ana-Maria Vranceanu

Approach versus avoidant coping strategies and antiretroviral therapy adherence among men who have sex with men living with HIV and using substances
Jacklyn Foley, Abigail Batchelder

Understanding the mechanisms through which mind-body exercise promotes physical activity: using focus groups to refine a mindful attention script
Kristen Kraemer, Karen Kilgore, Peter Wayne, Gloria Yeh 

Circadian patterns and day-night differences in heart rate dynamics
Yan Ma, Mei-Chu Chang, Daniel Litrownik, Peter Wayne, Gloria Yeh

Ear acupuncture during chemotherapy infusion for symptoms management among breast cancer patients: a retrospective chart review
EunMee Yang, Weidong Lu, Anna Tanasijevic, Nicole Strauss, Jennifer Ligibel

Are acupoints “hot spots”? a systematic review of thermal assessments of acupoints in healthy vs clinical populations
EunMee Yang, Weidong Lu, Dennis Munoz-Vergara, Esme Goldfinger, Vitaly Napadow, Andrew Ahn, Peter Wayne

Are acupoints sensitized in pathological conditions? A systematic review of pain sensitivity assessment of acupoints
EunMee Yang, Dennis Munoz-Vergara, Esme Goldfinger, Peter Wayne

Opportunities and challenges of implementing a virtual acupressure service for cancer patients during COVID-19: a retrospective analysis
EunMee Yang, Weidong Lu, Anna Tanasijevic, Jennifer Ligibel

Impact of acute yoga stretching on systemic inflammation: a pilot study
Dennis Munoz-Vergara, Kristin Schreiber, Yehui Zhu, Gloria Yeh, Pamela Rist, Peter Wayne











Current and Former Osher Research Fellows and Research Assistants:
Daniel Litrownik (Snr. Research Assistant); Paula Gardiner (former Osher Research Fellow); Rebecca Wells (former Osher Fellow); Michelle Dossett (former Osher Fellow); EunMee Yang (Current Osher Fellow); Kristen Kraemer (former Osher Fellow); Michael Datko (current Osher Fellow); Wren Burton (current Osher fellow); James Doorley (current Osher Fellow); Anup Kanodia (former Osher fellow); Yuchen Liu (former research assistant); Jacinda Nicolas (former Osher Fellow)