Video: “Cancer in the Context of Integrative Medicine & Whole Person Health”

Posted On: October 15th, 2024

Video: “Cancer in the Context of Integrative Medicine & Whole Person Health”

Title: “Cancer in the Context of Integrative Medicine & Whole Person Health

Presenter: Wayne Jonas, MD | President, Healing Works Foundation

Presentation Description:

Wayne Jonas, MD wants to shift the healthcare paradigm. In his view, a patient’s journey to wellness goes beyond symptom suppression and pharmacological approaches. In this presentation, Dr. Jonas will share insights from his new book, co-authored with Alyssa McManamon, MD, “Healing and Cancer: A Guide to Whole Person Care”. The book is intended to be read and actively used by teams caring for people with cancer and by caregivers and patients themselves to enhance healing, health, and wellbeing. “Healing and Cancer” directs readers to the best tools and resources available so that oncologists, primary clinicians, nurses, social workers, integrative practitioners, cancer care teams, patients with cancer and their caregivers, can incorporate whole person care into their own healing journey.

Speaker Bio:

Wayne Jonas, MD, is a board-certified, practicing family physician, an expert in integrative health and whole person care delivery, and a widely published scientific investigator.

Additionally, Dr. Jonas is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the Medical Corps of the United States Army. From 2001-2016, he was President and Chief Executive Officer of Samueli Institute, a non-profit medical research organization supporting the scientific investigation of healing processes in the areas of stress, pain and resilience.Dr. Jonas wrote the best-selling book How Healing Works, laying out a revolutionary new way to approach injury, illness, and wellness.

Dr. Jonas was the Director of the Office of Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health from 1995-1999, and prior to that served as the Director of the Medical Research Fellowship at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians.

His research has appeared in peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of the American Medical Association, Nature Medicine, the Journal of Family Practice, the Annals of Internal Medicine, and The Lancet. Dr. Jonas received the 2015 Pioneer Award from the Integrative Healthcare Symposium, the 2007 America’s Top Family Doctors Award, the 2003 Pioneer Award from the American Holistic Medical Association, the 2002 Physician Recognition Award of the American Medical Association, and the 2002 Meritorious Activity Prize from the International Society of Life Information Science in Chiba, Japan.

Dr. Jonas is currently the President of Healing Works Foundation, a not for profit organization dedicated to the integration of healing and curing in routine health care delivery.