Members of the Osher Center’s leadership attended the 2024 International Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health (ICIMH) in Cleveland, Ohio in April 2024 (full agenda), and assumed the following roles within ICIMH:
- Gloria Yeh, MD, MPH joined the Board of Directors as Vice-Chair for 2024 through 2026
- Darshan Mehta, MD, MPH joined the Board of Directors as an At-Large Director, serving from 2024 through 2027
- Aterah Nusrat, MSc. was a member of the ICIMH 2024 Program Committee

Dr. Yeh, Ms. Nusrat, and Dr. Mehta (pictured above) also led multiple presentations, and breakout sessions including:
Dr. Yeh:
- Symposia co-presenter, “Remote Delivery of Mindful Movement: Innovations in Research”
- Presenter, Closing Reflections (pictured below)
Dr. Mehta:
- “Cross-institutional Curriculum for Integrative Medicine Training – Challenges & Opportunities”
- Symposia co-presenter, “Members Meeting Plenary Session: System vs Individual Approaches for Dealing with Burnout”
- “Nourishing Equity: Innovations and Perspectives in Integrative Nutrition Curriculum”
- “Pathway to Mainstream – Comprehensive Health Including Integrative Care: Optimal Business and Clinical Approaches”
- Moderator, “Trauma-Informed Integrative Care for Health Equity and Whole Health Integration” (pictured below)
- Symposia co-presenter, “Contemplative Leadership: From Self Awareness to Team Building”
- Symposia co-presenter, “Reimagining and Implementing Integrative Medicine Fellowship Core Competencies with an Equity Lens”
Ms. Nusrat:
- Chaired Osher Collaborative “Planetary Health Working Group Meeting,” funded by the Lunder Osher Collaborative Faculty Exchange Program
Pictured below: Members of the Osher Collaborative Planetary Health Working Group
Pictured above: Osher Center Leadership Gloria Yeh, MD, MPH and Peter Wayne, PhD with Dr. Helene Langevin, MD of NIH (center), along with five of Osher’s Post-Doctorate Research Fellows (from left: Sarah Park, ND, Rachel Rosen, PhD, Joe Rosansky, PhD, Wren Burton, DC, and Heena Manglani, PhD)
Below are the titles of the presentations delivered by the Fellows (listed in order of how they appear above):
Dr. Park: Oral Abstract co-presenter, “Metagenomics Indicates an Interplay of the Microbiome and Functional Proteins in Parkinson’s Disease”
Dr. Rosansky: Oral presentation: “Effects of Live-Online, Group Mindfulness Training on Opioid Use and Craving, Anxiety and Pain During Buprenorphine Treatment”
Dr. Burton: Poster First Author:
- “Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation and Fall Risk in Older Adults with Spinal Pain: Matched Retrospective Cohort Study Using United States Data”
- “Gait Health in Individuals with Chronic Non-Specific Neck Pain”
- “Healthcare Provider Perspectives of Integrating a Comprehensive Spine Care Model in an Academic Health System: A Cross-Sectional Survey”
Dr. Manglani:
- Symposia co-presenter, “Whole Health for Traumatic Brain Injury: Harnessing Qualitative Methods to Develop and Optimize Mind-Body Interventions”