VIDEO: Integrative Approaches to Long COVID: A Clinical Case (with patient testimonial) ​

Posted On: February 7th, 2024

VIDEO: Integrative Approaches to Long COVID: A Clinical Case (with patient testimonial) ​

Title: “Integrative Approaches to Long COVID: A Clinical Case (with patient testimonial)”


Julia Loewenthal, MD, Aging/GeriatricsInternal Medicine, Brigham & Women’s Hospital

G. Kyle Harrold, MD, Clinical Instructor in Neurology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Assistant in Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Instructor in Neurology, Harvard Medical School

Kimberly Parks, DO, FACC, Cardiologist, Massachusetts General Hospital, Integrative care specialist, Synergy Private Health

Katie Walker, MS, MAOM, Lic. Ac., Dipl. OM, Acupuncture Clinician at Osher Clinical Center, Research Acupuncturist at Massachusetts General Hospital

Patient: Marvin Davidson

Presentation Description:

For February Grand Rounds, Dr. Julia Loewenthal (Brigham and Women’s Hospital) and an interdisciplinary team will present a clinical case of a patient with long COVID and integrative approaches to management:

Drs. Walker and Loewenthal will review select integrative therapies for management of long COVID, including acupuncture and cold water immersion.

Dr. Harrold will review the recent updates on neurological aspects of long COVID and discuss the assessment and management of patients with long COVID from the neurological perspective, including pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic interventions.

Dr. Parks will review the history and evaluation of a patient presenting with dysautonomia following COVID-10 infection.  She will discuss the complex treatment regimen as well as the complimentary, integrative approaches that ultimately led to healing and symptom management.  She will then lead a discussion with the patient, outlining his journey from the patient perspective. Integrative therapies along with traditional pharmacotherapy and rigorous testing to establish the diagnosis will be highlighted.