The IM Network Forum, 2016, will build on the success of the inaugural Integrative Medicine Research Forum of 2014. We invite you to join us for this free half-day conference to help shape and strengthen the integrative medicine community across Boston.
This year, the focus will not only be to convene the Boston-wide Integrative Medicine community as a whole, and to facilitate connection, cooperation and collaboration, but to also highlight the contours of the local clinical integrative medicine network.
Preliminary Format:
- 8:00am: Breakfast and Registration
Welcome and Introduction: Breaking down silos
- Keynote: Dr. Alessio Fasano
- Clinical Panel Discussion and Q&A:
(exploring the clinical translation of integrative medicine research)
Networking Break
- Clinical Medley Presentations
(key integrative medicine institutions from across Boston) - Integrative Medicine Research Presentations
- *Launch Event* : Clinical Integrative Medicine Interactive Online map and mobile Interface for practitioners and the public.
Networking lunch with research poster viewing
- Close: 2:00pm
Who should attend:
- Integrative and conventional medicine clinicians, researchers and educators interested in learning more about how integrative medicine research can translate into clinical care and practice.
- Boston-wide practitioners wishing to connect with others in the integrative medicine community.
- Medical students seeking to learn more about the integrative medicine network in Boston.
Event Details:
Date: Friday, November, 18, 2016
Program: 8:00am – 2:00pm
Cost: Free
Venue: Joseph B. Martin Conference Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Contact: Aterah Nusrat or Veronica Smith at
[email protected] ; 617.525.3204