Title: “Are physiological outcomes better than psychological outcomes to differentiate real and sham acupuncture? A carpal tunnel syndrome neuroimaging study.”
In this presentation, Dr....
Title: “Are physiological outcomes better than psychological outcomes to differentiate real and sham acupuncture? A carpal tunnel syndrome neuroimaging study.”
In this presentation, Dr....
Event Date: June 6th, 2017
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
Title: "Are physiological outcomes better than psychological outcomes to differentiate real and sham acupuncture? A carpal tunnel syndrome neuroimaging study."
Presenter: Dr. Vitaly Napadow, PhD,...
Posted On: May 19th, 2017
Drs. Donald Levy and Matthew Kowalski, from the Osher Clinical Center, were recently quoted by Consumer Reports regarding non-pharmacological treatment of back pain.
"In February the American...
New Rochelle, NY, April 27, 2017—Harvard University’s renown fascia researcher Helene Langevin, MD, and co-author Rosa Schnyer,...
Posted On: April 17th, 2017
In this Integrative Medicine Grand Rounds research presentation, Dr. Wang reviews the current body of knowledge regarding Evidence-Based mind-body medicine treatments. The focus is on the...
Event Date: April 4th, 2017
Tufts Medical Center
Integrative Medicine Grand Rounds/Research
Tuesday, April 4th
8:00am - 9:00am (followed by coffee hour)
Bornstein Family Amphitheater
45 Francis St. BWH, Boston, MA
Chenchen Wang, MD,...
Posted On: March 24th, 2017
Osher Research Director, Dr. Peter Wayne, was recently co-featured in IEEE Pulse, along with peers, Drs. Brad Manor and Jeff Hausdorff, previous speakers at the Osher Research Seminar Series.
Posted On: July 22nd, 2016
Dr. Helene Langevin, Director of the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine will be presenting at the Wyss Institute's 7th Annual Symposium this fall at the Joseph B. Martin Conference Center at...
Posted On: January 22nd, 2016
Joint Conference Speaker Presentations are now available to watch online.
Posted On: June 15th, 2015