Welcoming Andrew Ahn, MD, to Osher Faculty

Posted On: May 31st, 2023

Welcoming Andrew Ahn, MD, to Osher Faculty

We are delighted to welcome Andrew Ahn, MD as a new member of the Osher Leadership team to serve in a new role at the Osher Center as Core Leader, Leveraging Technology for Integrative Health.

Dr. Ahn has walked many paths, including graduating from the HMS T-32 Integrative Medicine Research Fellowship in 2005, serving as a hospitalist for almost 20 years and pioneering new technologies as an entrepreneur. As an internal medicine physician with a background in physics/engineering, signal processing, and integrative medicine, Dr. Ahn seeks to engage citizen scientists and promote health.

Dr Ahn is Assistant Professor of Medicine & Radiology, Harvard Medical School. His entrepreneurial interests include serving as Chief Medical and Science Officer at Labfront, an affordable physiological research platform, and Chief Medical Advisor to PhysioQ, a non-profit organization that focuses on empowering citizens to pursue health-sciences through full access/control of their own physiological data.


Time stamps:
0:02   Introduction and Career Trajectory
5:51   Discussing the Evolution of Integrative Medicine
7:19   Research in Acupuncture Points, Meridians & Electromagnetic Mechanisms
11:09 Citizen Science
13:55 Opportunities at Osher and Beyond


Career History

Andrew C. Ahn, MD, Harvard Catalyst Profiles
Andrew C. Ahn, MD, LinkedIn Profile

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