Integrative Health Network Forum – Call for Abstracts

Posted On: June 20th, 2024

Integrative Health Network Forum – Call for Abstracts

Integrative Health Network Forum

Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA,  December 9-10, 2024  

2024 Forum Theme: High-Tech Medicine, Soft-Touch Healing: Advancing Innovation in Integrative Health


Abstract Submission Guidelines & Application Form  

The Osher Center for Integrative Health at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital invites the submission of abstracts for the 2024 two-day hybrid Integrative Health Network Forum at the Joseph B. Martin Conference Center at Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA and via livestream.  

Preference will be given to abstracts aligned with the conference theme (High-Tech Medicine, Soft-Touch Healing: Advancing Innovation in Integrative Health), including technology development and application (such as but not limited to virtual and mobile platforms, wearable sensors, big data and AI etc.). Abstracts more broadly related to integrative medicine and health are also invited.

Submissions are invited for the following four categories: 

  1. Basic/translational research 
  2. Clinical research  
  3. Clinical programs/innovations  
  4. Educational programs/curricula 

The Network Forum will convene researchers, educators, and clinicians with interests in integrative medicine and health to meet, share ideas, and explore future collaborations.   

Call for Abstracts Open:      Thursday, June 27, 2024
Submission Deadline:          11:59pm US ET, Monday, September 30, 2024
Submission Process:           Submit completed application form below and send to: [email protected] 

Submission Guidelines

Poster Presentations 

  • If your abstract submission is accepted for presentation, you will be required to attend the conference in-person. 
  • All presenters must produce a physical poster and upload a digital poster to the conference virtual platform (Whova). 
  • Physical posters will be displayed in highly visible sections of the conference venue for one or both days. 
  • You will be notified which day/s your physical poster will be displayed, requiring your presence at the conference. 
  • Individual physical poster sizes must be designed to a 4’x4’ specification. 
  • Presenters are invited to upload a video synopsis of their work to the virtual platform (Whova) using a video embed link (e.g. YouTube/Vimeo only. No direct uploads from computer or cloud-based storage).  
  • While video clips are optional, they are required to be considered for a conference poster award. 

Oral Presentations 

  • 10 selected poster presenters will be invited to give a 1-minute “elevator pitch” oral synopsis of their work in person during a conference plenary session.  
  • Guidelines for creating a single PowerPoint slide to accompany 1-minute presentations will be sent to invited speakers. 

Poster Awards 

  • Presenters will be awarded Best Poster prizes, with $500 for first prize

Presenting Author Information 

  • Personal details of the individual presenting the poster must be included in the application form.  
  • All authors accepted to present must register (for free) for the Network Forum.  
  • Authors of accepted abstracts will be acknowledged in conference online and hard copy materials with the title of their abstract and accompanying contact details (name; position, institution; and email address.) 

Additional Author Information 

  • Details for additional authors must be entered in the application form.  
  • Authors will be listed online and in any printed materials in the order they are listed in the application form.  

Title of Abstract 

  • The title must be entered in title case. (First word initial Capital, capitals only for ACRONYMS and first letter of a Proper Noun).  
  • Please do not use all capitals in the title.  
  • Titles are limited to 100 characters including spaces, punctuation and should indicate the content of your abstract. 

Content of Abstracts 

  • Basic/Translational and Clinical Research abstracts should include: Purpose; Methods; Results; Conclusion.  
  • Clinical Programs/Innovations or Education Programs/Curricula abstracts should include: Goals, Program Details, Target Populations, and Accomplishments to Date. 
  • Abstract content (excluding the abstract title) is limited to 350 words. 

Review Process 

Abstracts will be reviewed by a panel of judges chosen by the Osher Center for Integrative Health.

Abstract Submission Conditions 

  • Abstracts, posters and oral presentations must not contain any kind of advertising. 
  • The abstract must be the author’s own work 
  • The invitation to submit an abstract does not constitute an offer to pay travel or accommodation costs. 
  • No speaker fees are paid to successful participants for oral presentations. 
  • All authors must register for the Network Forum upon being accepted to present a poster. 

Questions? Contact the Osher team at [email protected]



Sub Categories: Post