VIDEO: Dr. Gurjeet Birdee – Stretching the Breath for Health: The Science and Clinical Application of Slow Breathing from Yoga

Posted On: September 7th, 2022

Gurjeet Birdee, MD - Vanderbilt University Osher Center

VIDEO: Dr. Gurjeet Birdee – Stretching the Breath for Health: The Science and Clinical Application of Slow Breathing from Yoga

Description: Breathing serves a fundamental role in human physiology, emotion, and behavior. Slow breathing techniques have been used as part of yoga for 2 millennia. This branch of yoga is called pranayama which provides theory and techniques for slow breathing with potential health benefits. In the past few decades, there has been substantial research regarding the mechanism and clinical applications of pranayama. In addition, slow breathing techniques are common to many mind-body practices and psychological treatments. In this presentation, Dr. Birdee will review the philosophy and technique of slow breathing from yoga, discuss potential mechanisms, and clinical applications for health conditions.  

Click to watch on Youtube.